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I will speak, I will speak

door | Niet gecategoriseerd

Let’s put some happy little bushes on the other side now. You have to make those little noises or it won’t work. We don’t really know where this goes – and I’m not sure we really care. You can’t make a mistake. Anything that happens you can learn to use – and make something beautiful out of it. You can do anything your heart can imagine.

Tree trunks grow however makes them happy. I was blessed with a very steady hand; and it comes in very handy when you’re doing these little delicate things. Poor old tree. All you need is a dream in your heart, and an almighty knife. Let’s make some happy little clouds in our world. This is your creation – and it’s just as unique and special as you are.

Let your heart be your guide. We might as well make some Almighty mountains today as well, what the heck. We can always carry this a step further. There’s really no end to this. I’m sort of a softy, I couldn’t shoot Bambi except with a camera. The least little bit can do so much.

It’s a very cold picture, I may have to go get my coat. It’s about to freeze me to death. Be brave. No worries. No cares. Just float and wait for the wind to blow you around. Once you learn the technique, ohhh! Turn you loose on the world; you become a tiger. Trees get lonely too, so we’ll give him a little friend.

Don’t kill all your dark areas – you need them to show the light. It’s hard to see things when you’re too close. Take a step back and look. The very fact that you’re aware of suffering is enough reason to be overjoyed that you’re alive and can experience it.